La più antica banca
in attività al mondo

Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Graphic Design
Print Design
Image Coordinated
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. is an Italian credit institution founded in 1472 in the form of a Monte di Pietà to help the disadvantaged classes of the population of the city of Siena. It is the oldest bank in operation and is also believed to be the longest-running in the world.
MPS has always been one of the largest banking groups nationwide, with branches all over the world. It has always been known for its safety, reliability and market positioning.
Step by step
Step by step, I brought the original logo with a fresher, more modern twist, to be able to relaunch the whole bank. (University project)

The logo remains unchanged.

The logo has slight variations.

The logo has some heavy variations.
Brand Identity MPS

I used the logo as a pattern module that will form various elements and gadgets related to the Mps group.

I build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
Big step
About payment
I used the logo as a pattern module that will form various elements and gadgets related to the Mps group.